
Module Contents



The process module to move the robot from one position to another.


This process module moves the head to look at a specific point in the world coordinate frame.


This process module controls the gripper of the robot. They can either be opened or closed.


This process module tries to detect an object with the given type. To be detected the object has to be in


This process moves the tool center point of either the right or the left arm.


This process modules moves the joints of either the right or the left arm. The joint states can be given as


Process Module for generic joint movements, is not confined to the arms but can move any joint of the robot


This process module detectes an object even if it is not in the field of view of the robot.


Low-level implementation of opening a container in the simulation. Assumes the handle is already grasped.


Low-level implementation that lets the robot close a grasped container, in simulation


Process module for the real PR2 that sends a cartesian goal to giskard to move the robot base


Process module for the real robot to move that such that it looks at the given position. Uses the same calculation


Process Module for the real Pr2 that tries to detect an object fitting the given object description. Uses Robokudo


Moves the tool center point of the real PR2 while avoiding all collisions


Moves the arm joints of the real PR2 to the given configuration while avoiding all collisions


Moves any joint using giskard, avoids all collisions while doint this.


Opens or closes the gripper of the real PR2, gripper uses an action server for this instead of giskard


Tries to open an already grasped container


Tries to close an already grasped container


Base class for managing process modules, any new process modules have to implement this class to register the



Defines the joint poses for the parking positions of the arms of PR2 and applies them to the

_move_arm_tcp(→ None)


Defines the joint poses for the parking positions of the arms of PR2 and applies them to the in the World defined robot. :return: None

class pycram.process_modules.pr2_process_modules.Pr2Navigation(lock)

Bases: pycram.process_module.ProcessModule

The process module to move the robot from one position to another.

Create a new process module.

_execute(desig: pycram.designators.motion_designator.MoveMotion)

Helper method for internal usage only. This method is to be overwritten instead of the execute method.

class pycram.process_modules.pr2_process_modules.Pr2MoveHead(lock)

Bases: pycram.process_module.ProcessModule

This process module moves the head to look at a specific point in the world coordinate frame. This point can either be a position or an object.

Create a new process module.

_execute(desig: pycram.designators.motion_designator.LookingMotion)

Helper method for internal usage only. This method is to be overwritten instead of the execute method.

class pycram.process_modules.pr2_process_modules.Pr2MoveGripper(lock)

Bases: pycram.process_module.ProcessModule

This process module controls the gripper of the robot. They can either be opened or closed. Furthermore, it can only moved one gripper at a time.

Create a new process module.

_execute(desig: pycram.designators.motion_designator.MoveGripperMotion)

Helper method for internal usage only. This method is to be overwritten instead of the execute method.

class pycram.process_modules.pr2_process_modules.Pr2Detecting(lock)

Bases: pycram.process_module.ProcessModule

This process module tries to detect an object with the given type. To be detected the object has to be in the field of view of the robot.

Create a new process module.

_execute(desig: pycram.designators.motion_designator.DetectingMotion)

Helper method for internal usage only. This method is to be overwritten instead of the execute method.

class pycram.process_modules.pr2_process_modules.Pr2MoveTCP(lock)

Bases: pycram.process_module.ProcessModule

This process moves the tool center point of either the right or the left arm.

Create a new process module.

_execute(desig: pycram.designators.motion_designator.MoveTCPMotion)

Helper method for internal usage only. This method is to be overwritten instead of the execute method.

class pycram.process_modules.pr2_process_modules.Pr2MoveArmJoints(lock)

Bases: pycram.process_module.ProcessModule

This process modules moves the joints of either the right or the left arm. The joint states can be given as list that should be applied or a pre-defined position can be used, such as “parking”

Create a new process module.

_execute(desig: pycram.designators.motion_designator.MoveArmJointsMotion)

Helper method for internal usage only. This method is to be overwritten instead of the execute method.

class pycram.process_modules.pr2_process_modules.PR2MoveJoints(lock)

Bases: pycram.process_module.ProcessModule

Process Module for generic joint movements, is not confined to the arms but can move any joint of the robot

Create a new process module.

_execute(desig: pycram.designators.motion_designator.MoveJointsMotion)

Helper method for internal usage only. This method is to be overwritten instead of the execute method.

class pycram.process_modules.pr2_process_modules.Pr2WorldStateDetecting(lock)

Bases: pycram.process_module.ProcessModule

This process module detectes an object even if it is not in the field of view of the robot.

Create a new process module.

_execute(desig: pycram.designators.motion_designator.WorldStateDetectingMotion)

Helper method for internal usage only. This method is to be overwritten instead of the execute method.

class pycram.process_modules.pr2_process_modules.Pr2Open(lock)

Bases: pycram.process_module.ProcessModule

Low-level implementation of opening a container in the simulation. Assumes the handle is already grasped.

Create a new process module.

_execute(desig: pycram.designators.motion_designator.OpeningMotion)

Helper method for internal usage only. This method is to be overwritten instead of the execute method.

class pycram.process_modules.pr2_process_modules.Pr2Close(lock)

Bases: pycram.process_module.ProcessModule

Low-level implementation that lets the robot close a grasped container, in simulation

Create a new process module.

_execute(desig: pycram.designators.motion_designator.ClosingMotion)

Helper method for internal usage only. This method is to be overwritten instead of the execute method.

pycram.process_modules.pr2_process_modules._move_arm_tcp(target: pycram.datastructures.pose.Pose, robot: pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object, arm: str) None
class pycram.process_modules.pr2_process_modules.Pr2NavigationReal(lock)

Bases: pycram.process_module.ProcessModule

Process module for the real PR2 that sends a cartesian goal to giskard to move the robot base

Create a new process module.

_execute(designator: pycram.designators.motion_designator.MoveMotion) typing_extensions.Any

Helper method for internal usage only. This method is to be overwritten instead of the execute method.

class pycram.process_modules.pr2_process_modules.Pr2MoveHeadReal(lock)

Bases: pycram.process_module.ProcessModule

Process module for the real robot to move that such that it looks at the given position. Uses the same calculation as the simulated one

Create a new process module.

_execute(desig: pycram.designators.motion_designator.LookingMotion)

Helper method for internal usage only. This method is to be overwritten instead of the execute method.

class pycram.process_modules.pr2_process_modules.Pr2DetectingReal(lock)

Bases: pycram.process_module.ProcessModule

Process Module for the real Pr2 that tries to detect an object fitting the given object description. Uses Robokudo for perception of the environment.

Create a new process module.

_execute(designator: pycram.designators.motion_designator.DetectingMotion) typing_extensions.Any

Helper method for internal usage only. This method is to be overwritten instead of the execute method.

class pycram.process_modules.pr2_process_modules.Pr2MoveTCPReal(lock)

Bases: pycram.process_module.ProcessModule

Moves the tool center point of the real PR2 while avoiding all collisions

Create a new process module.

_execute(designator: pycram.designators.motion_designator.MoveTCPMotion) typing_extensions.Any

Helper method for internal usage only. This method is to be overwritten instead of the execute method.

class pycram.process_modules.pr2_process_modules.Pr2MoveArmJointsReal(lock)

Bases: pycram.process_module.ProcessModule

Moves the arm joints of the real PR2 to the given configuration while avoiding all collisions

Create a new process module.

_execute(designator: pycram.designators.motion_designator.MoveArmJointsMotion) typing_extensions.Any

Helper method for internal usage only. This method is to be overwritten instead of the execute method.

class pycram.process_modules.pr2_process_modules.Pr2MoveJointsReal(lock)

Bases: pycram.process_module.ProcessModule

Moves any joint using giskard, avoids all collisions while doint this.

Create a new process module.

_execute(designator: pycram.designators.motion_designator.MoveJointsMotion) typing_extensions.Any

Helper method for internal usage only. This method is to be overwritten instead of the execute method.

class pycram.process_modules.pr2_process_modules.Pr2MoveGripperReal(lock)

Bases: pycram.process_module.ProcessModule

Opens or closes the gripper of the real PR2, gripper uses an action server for this instead of giskard

Create a new process module.

_execute(designator: pycram.designators.motion_designator.MoveGripperMotion) typing_extensions.Any

Helper method for internal usage only. This method is to be overwritten instead of the execute method.

class pycram.process_modules.pr2_process_modules.Pr2OpenReal(lock)

Bases: pycram.process_module.ProcessModule

Tries to open an already grasped container

Create a new process module.

_execute(designator: pycram.designators.motion_designator.OpeningMotion) typing_extensions.Any

Helper method for internal usage only. This method is to be overwritten instead of the execute method.

class pycram.process_modules.pr2_process_modules.Pr2CloseReal(lock)

Bases: pycram.process_module.ProcessModule

Tries to close an already grasped container

Create a new process module.

_execute(designator: pycram.designators.motion_designator.ClosingMotion) typing_extensions.Any

Helper method for internal usage only. This method is to be overwritten instead of the execute method.

class pycram.process_modules.pr2_process_modules.Pr2Manager

Bases: pycram.process_module.ProcessModuleManager

Base class for managing process modules, any new process modules have to implement this class to register the Process Modules

Registers the Process modules for this robot. The name of the robot has to match the name given in the robot description.


robot_name – Name of the robot for which these Process Modules are intended

Returns the Process Module for navigating the robot with respect to

the execution_type


The Process Module for navigating

Returns the Process Module for looking at a point with respect to

the execution_type


The Process Module for looking at a specific point

Returns the Process Module for detecting an object with respect to

the execution_type


The Process Module for detecting an object

Returns the Process Module for moving the Tool Center Point with respect to

the execution_type


The Process Module for moving the TCP


Returns the Process Module for moving the joints of the robot arm with respect to the execution_type


The Process Module for moving the arm joints


Returns the Process Module for detecting an object using the world state with respect to the execution_type


The Process Module for world state detecting


Returns the Process Module for moving any joint of the robot with respect to the execution_type


The Process Module for moving joints

Returns the Process Module for moving the gripper with respect to

the execution_type


The Process Module for moving the gripper

Returns the Process Module for opening drawers with respect to

the execution_type


The Process Module for opening drawers

Returns the Process Module for closing drawers with respect to

the execution_type


The Process Module for closing drawers