
Module Contents



Broadcaster that publishes TF frames for every object in the World.

class pycram.ros.tf_broadcaster.TFBroadcaster(projection_namespace='simulated', odom_frame='odom', interval=0.1)

Broadcaster that publishes TF frames for every object in the World.

The broadcaster prefixes all published TF messages with a projection namespace to distinguish between the TF frames from the simulation and the one from the real robot.

  • projection_namespace – Name with which the TF frames should be prefixed

  • odom_frame – Name of the statically published odom frame

  • interval – Interval at which the TFs should be published, in seconds


Updates the TFs for the static odom frame and all objects currently in the World.

_update_objects() None

Publishes the current pose of all objects in the World. As well as the poses of all links of these objects.

_update_static_odom() None

Publishes a static odom frame to the tf_static topic.

_publish_pose(child_frame_id: str, pose: pycram.datastructures.pose.Pose, static=False) None

Publishes the given pose to the ROS TF topic. First the pose is converted to a Transform between pose.frame and the given child_frame_id. Afterward, the frames of the Transform are prefixed with the projection namespace.

  • child_frame_id – Name of the TF frame which the pose points to

  • pose – Pose that should be published

  • static – If the pose should be published to the tf_static topic

_publish() None

Constantly publishes the positions of all objects in the World.

_stop_publishing() None

Called when the process ends, sets the kill_event which terminates the thread that publishes to the TF topic.