
Module Contents



Represents an abstract constraint concept, this could be used to create joints for example or any kind of constraint


Represents a constraint between two links in the World.


Represents an abstract constraint concept, this could be used to create joints for example or any kind of constraint

class pycram.world_concepts.constraints.AbstractConstraint(parent_link: pycram.description.Link, child_link: pycram.description.Link, _type: pycram.datastructures.enums.JointType, parent_to_constraint: pycram.datastructures.pose.Transform, child_to_constraint: pycram.datastructures.pose.Transform)

Represents an abstract constraint concept, this could be used to create joints for example or any kind of constraint between two links in the world.

property parent_to_child_transform: typing_extensions.Union[pycram.datastructures.pose.Transform, None]
property parent_object_id: int

Returns the id of the parent object of the constraint.


The id of the parent object of the constraint

property child_object_id: int

Returns the id of the child object of the constraint.


The id of the child object of the constraint

Returns the id of the parent link of the constraint.


The id of the parent link of the constraint

Returns the id of the child link of the constraint.


The id of the child link of the constraint

property position_wrt_parent_as_list: typing_extensions.List[float]

Returns the constraint frame pose with respect to the parent origin as a list.


The constraint frame pose with respect to the parent origin as a list

property orientation_wrt_parent_as_list: typing_extensions.List[float]

Returns the constraint frame orientation with respect to the parent origin as a list.


The constraint frame orientation with respect to the parent origin as a list

property pose_wrt_parent: pycram.datastructures.pose.Pose

Returns the joint frame pose with respect to the parent origin.


The joint frame pose with respect to the parent origin

property position_wrt_child_as_list: typing_extensions.List[float]

Returns the constraint frame pose with respect to the child origin as a list.


The constraint frame pose with respect to the child origin as a list

property orientation_wrt_child_as_list: typing_extensions.List[float]

Returns the constraint frame orientation with respect to the child origin as a list.


The constraint frame orientation with respect to the child origin as a list

property pose_wrt_child: pycram.datastructures.pose.Pose

Returns the joint frame pose with respect to the child origin.


The joint frame pose with respect to the child origin

class pycram.world_concepts.constraints.Constraint(parent_link: pycram.description.Link, child_link: pycram.description.Link, _type: pycram.datastructures.enums.JointType, axis_in_child_frame: geometry_msgs.msg.Point, constraint_to_parent: pycram.datastructures.pose.Transform, child_to_constraint: pycram.datastructures.pose.Transform)

Bases: AbstractConstraint

Represents a constraint between two links in the World.

property axis_as_list: typing_extensions.List[float]

Returns the axis of this constraint as a list.


The axis of this constraint as a list of xyz

class pycram.world_concepts.constraints.Attachment(parent_link: pycram.description.Link, child_link: pycram.description.Link, bidirectional: typing_extensions.Optional[bool] = False, parent_to_child_transform: typing_extensions.Optional[pycram.datastructures.pose.Transform] = None, constraint_id: typing_extensions.Optional[int] = None)

Bases: AbstractConstraint

Represents an abstract constraint concept, this could be used to create joints for example or any kind of constraint between two links in the world.

Creates an attachment between the parent object link and the child object link. This could be a bidirectional attachment, meaning that both objects will move when one moves.

  • parent_link – The parent object link.

  • child_link – The child object link.

  • bidirectional – If true, both objects will move when one moves.

  • parent_to_child_transform – The transform from the parent link to the child object link.

  • constraint_id – The id of the constraint in the simulator.

property loose: bool

If true, then the child object will not move when parent moves.

property is_reversed: bool

True if the parent and child links are swapped.



update_transform_and_constraint() None

Updates the transform and constraint of this attachment.

update_transform() None

Updates the transform of this attachment by calculating the transform from the parent link to the child link.

update_constraint() None

Updates the constraint of this attachment by removing the old constraint if one exists and adding a new one.

add_fixed_constraint() None

Adds a fixed constraint between the parent link and the child link.

calculate_transform() pycram.datastructures.pose.Transform

Calculates the transform from the parent link to the child link.

remove_constraint_if_exists() None

Removes the constraint between the parent and the child links if one exists.

get_inverse() Attachment

A new Attachment object with the parent and child links swapped.

__del__() None

Removes the constraint between the parent and the child links if one exists when the attachment is deleted.


Return self==value.


Return hash(self).