
Module Contents



Simulated force-torque sensor for a joint with a given name.

class pycram.ros.force_torque_sensor.ForceTorqueSensor(joint_name, fts_topic='/pycram/fts', interval=0.1)

Simulated force-torque sensor for a joint with a given name. Reads simulated forces and torques at that joint from world and publishes geometry_msgs/Wrench messages to the given topic.

The given joint_name has to be part of robot otherwise a RuntimeError will be raised.

  • joint_name – Name of the joint for which force-torque should be simulated

  • fts_topic – Name of the ROS topic to which should be published

  • interval – Interval at which the messages should be published, in seconds

_publish() None

Continuously publishes the force-torque values for the simulated joint. Values are published as long as the kill_event is not set.

_stop_publishing() None

Sets the kill_event and therefore terminates the Thread publishing the force-torque values as well as join the threads.