Module Contents



The StateEntity class is used to store the state of an object or the physics simulator. This is used to save and


A data class that represents an entity of the world, such as an object or a link.


The World Class represents the physics Simulation and belief state, it is the main interface for reasoning about


An environment for using the prospection world, while in this environment the current_world


Synchronizes the state between the World and its prospection world.


The StateEntity class is used to store the state of an object or the physics simulator. This is used to save and restore the state of the World.

property saved_states: typing_extensions.Dict[int, pycram.datastructures.dataclasses.State]

Returns the saved states of this entity.

abstract property current_state: pycram.datastructures.dataclasses.State

Returns the current state of this entity.


The current state of this entity.

save_state(state_id: int) int

Saves the state of this entity with the given state id.


state_id – The unique id of the state.

restore_state(state_id: int) None

Restores the state of this entity from a saved state using the given state id.


state_id – The unique id of the state.

remove_saved_states() None

Removes all saved states of this entity.

class int, world: typing_extensions.Optional[World] = None)

Bases: StateEntity, abc.ABC

A data class that represents an entity of the world, such as an object or a link.

class pycram.datastructures.enums.WorldMode, is_prospection_world: bool, simulation_frequency: float)

Bases: StateEntity, abc.ABC

The World Class represents the physics Simulation and belief state, it is the main interface for reasoning about the World. This is implemented as a singleton, the current World can be accessed via the static variable current_world which is managed by the World class itself.

Creates a new simulation, the mode decides if the simulation should be a rendered window or just run in the background. There can only be one rendered simulation. The World object also initializes the Events for attachment, detachment and for manipulating the world.

  • mode – Can either be “GUI” for rendered window or “DIRECT” for non-rendered. The default parameter is “GUI”

  • is_prospection_world – For internal usage, decides if this World should be used as a prospection world.

property simulation_time_step

The time step of the simulation in seconds.

property current_state: pycram.datastructures.dataclasses.WorldState

Returns the current state of this entity.


The current state of this entity.

property object_states: typing_extensions.Dict[str, pycram.datastructures.dataclasses.ObjectState]

Returns the states of all objects in the World.


A dictionary with the object id as key and the object state as value.

simulation_frequency: float

Global reference for the simulation frequency (Hz), used in calculating the equivalent real time in the simulation.

current_world: typing_extensions.Optional[World]

Global reference to the currently used World, usually this is the graphical one. However, if you are inside a UseProspectionWorld() environment the current_world points to the prospection world. In this way you can comfortably use the current_world, which should point towards the World used at the moment.

robot: typing_extensions.Optional[pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object]

Global reference to the spawned Object that represents the robot. The robot is identified by checking the name in the URDF with the name of the URDF on the parameter server.

data_directory: typing_extensions.List[str]

Global reference for the data directories, this is used to search for the description files of the robot and the objects.


Global reference for the cache directory, this is used to cache the description files of the robot and the objects.

abstract _init_world(mode: pycram.datastructures.enums.WorldMode)

Initializes the physics simulation.


Initializes dynamic events that can be used to react to changes in the World.


Initializes the prospection world and the synchronization between the main and the prospection world.


Updates the local transformer worlds with the current world and prospection world.


Initializes the prospection world, if this is a prospection world itself it will not create another prospection, world, but instead set the prospection world to None, else it will create a prospection world.


Synchronizes the prospection world with the main world, this means that every object in the main world will be added to the prospection world and vice versa.

update_cache_dir_with_object(path: str, ignore_cached_files: bool, obj: pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object) str

Updates the cache directory with the given object.

  • path – The path to the object.

  • ignore_cached_files – If the cached files should be ignored.

  • obj – The object to be added to the cache directory.

abstract load_object_and_get_id(path: typing_extensions.Optional[str] = None, pose: typing_extensions.Optional[pycram.datastructures.pose.Pose] = None) int

Loads a description file (e.g. URDF) at the given pose and returns the id of the loaded object.

  • path – The path to the description file, if None the description file is assumed to be already loaded.

  • pose – The pose at which the object should be loaded.


The id of the loaded object.

get_object_by_name(name: str) typing_extensions.List[pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object]

Returns a list of all Objects in this World with the same name as the given one.


name – The name of the returned Objects.


A list of all Objects with the name ‘name’.

get_object_by_type(obj_type: pycram.datastructures.enums.ObjectType) typing_extensions.List[pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object]

Returns a list of all Objects which have the type ‘obj_type’.


obj_type – The type of the returned Objects.


A list of all Objects that have the type ‘obj_type’.

get_object_by_id(obj_id: int) pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object

Returns the single Object that has the unique id.


obj_id – The unique id for which the Object should be returned.


The Object with the id ‘id’.

abstract remove_object_from_simulator(obj: pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object) None

Removes an object from the physics simulator.


obj – The object to be removed.

remove_object(obj: pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object) None

Removes this object from the current world. For the object to be removed it has to be detached from all objects it is currently attached to. After this is done a call to world remove object is done to remove this Object from the simulation/world.


obj – The object to be removed.

add_fixed_constraint(parent_link: pycram.description.Link, child_link: pycram.description.Link, child_to_parent_transform: pycram.datastructures.pose.Transform) int

Creates a fixed joint constraint between the given parent and child links, the joint frame will be at the origin of the child link frame, and would have the same orientation as the child link frame.

  • parent_link – The constrained link of the parent object.

  • child_link – The constrained link of the child object.

  • child_to_parent_transform – The transform from the child link frame to the parent link frame.


The unique id of the created constraint.

abstract add_constraint(constraint: pycram.world_concepts.constraints.Constraint) int

Add a constraint between two objects links so that they become attached for example.


constraint – The constraint data used to create the constraint.

abstract remove_constraint(constraint_id) None

Remove a constraint by its ID.


constraint_id – The unique id of the constraint to be removed.

abstract get_joint_position(joint: pycram.description.Joint) float

Get the position of a joint of an articulated object


joint – The joint to get the position for.


The joint position as a float.

abstract get_object_joint_names(obj: pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object) typing_extensions.List[str]

Returns the names of all joints of this object.


obj – The object.


A list of joint names.

Get the pose of a link of an articulated object with respect to the world frame.


link – The link as a AbstractLink object.


The pose of the link as a Pose object.

Returns the names of all links of this object.


obj – The object.


A list of link names.

simulate(seconds: float, real_time: typing_extensions.Optional[bool] = False) None

Simulates Physics in the World for a given amount of seconds. Usually this simulation is faster than real time. By setting the ‘real_time’ parameter this simulation is slowed down such that the simulated time is equal to real time.

  • seconds – The amount of seconds that should be simulated.

  • real_time – If the simulation should happen in real time or faster.

update_all_objects_poses() None

Updates the positions of all objects in the world.

abstract get_object_pose(obj: pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object) pycram.datastructures.pose.Pose

Get the pose of an object in the world frame from the current object pose in the simulator.

abstract perform_collision_detection() None

Checks for collisions between all objects in the World and updates the contact points.

abstract get_object_contact_points(obj: pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object) typing_extensions.List

Returns a list of contact points of this Object with all other Objects.


obj – The object.


A list of all contact points with other objects

abstract get_contact_points_between_two_objects(obj1: pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object, obj2: pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object) typing_extensions.List

Returns a list of contact points between obj1 and obj2.

  • obj1 – The first object.

  • obj2 – The second object.


A list of all contact points between the two objects.

abstract reset_joint_position(joint: pycram.description.Joint, joint_position: float) None

Reset the joint position instantly without physics simulation

  • joint – The joint to reset the position for.

  • joint_position – The new joint pose.

abstract reset_object_base_pose(obj: pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object, pose: pycram.datastructures.pose.Pose)

Reset the world position and orientation of the base of the object instantaneously, not through physics simulation. (x,y,z) position vector and (x,y,z,w) quaternion orientation.

  • obj – The object.

  • pose – The new pose as a Pose object.

abstract step()

Step the world simulation using forward dynamics

Changes the rgba_color of a link of this object, the rgba_color has to be given as Color object.

  • link – The link which should be colored.

  • rgba_color – The rgba_color as Color object with RGBA values between 0 and 1.

This method returns the rgba_color of this link.


link – The link for which the rgba_color should be returned.


The rgba_color as Color object with RGBA values between 0 and 1.

Get the RGBA colors of each link in the object as a dictionary from link name to rgba_color.


obj – The object


A dictionary with link names as keys and a Color object for each link as value.

abstract get_object_axis_aligned_bounding_box(obj: pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object) pycram.datastructures.dataclasses.AxisAlignedBoundingBox

Returns the axis aligned bounding box of this object. The return of this method are two points in world coordinate frame which define a bounding box.


obj – The object for which the bounding box should be returned.


AxisAlignedBoundingBox object containing the min and max points of the bounding box.

Returns the axis aligned bounding box of the link. The return of this method are two points in world coordinate frame which define a bounding box.

abstract set_realtime(real_time: bool) None

Enables the real time simulation of Physics in the World. By default, this is disabled and Physics is only simulated to reason about it.


real_time – Whether the World should simulate Physics in real time.

abstract set_gravity(gravity_vector: typing_extensions.List[float]) None
Sets the gravity that is used in the World. By default, it is set to the gravity on earth ([0, 0, -9.8]).

Gravity is given as a vector in x,y,z. Gravity is only applied while simulating Physic.


gravity_vector – The gravity vector that should be used in the World.

set_robot_if_not_set(robot: pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object) None

Sets the robot if it is not set yet.


robot – The Object reference to the Object representing the robot.

static set_robot(robot: typing_extensions.Union[pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object, None]) None

Sets the global variable for the robot Object This should be set on spawning the robot.


robot – The Object reference to the Object representing the robot.

static robot_is_set() bool

Returns whether the robot has been set or not.


True if the robot has been set, False otherwise.

exit() None

Closes the World as well as the prospection world, also collects any other thread that is running.

exit_prospection_world_if_exists() None

Exits the prospection world if it exists.

abstract disconnect_from_physics_server() None

Disconnects the world from the physics server.

reset_current_world() None

Resets the pose of every object in the World to the pose it was spawned in and sets every joint to 0.

reset_robot() None

Sets the robot class variable to None.

abstract join_threads() None

Join any running threads. Useful for example when exiting the world.

terminate_world_sync() None

Terminates the world sync thread.

save_state(state_id: typing_extensions.Optional[int] = None) int

Returns the id of the saved state of the World. The saved state contains the states of all the objects and the state of the physics simulator.


A unique id of the state

save_objects_state(state_id: int) None

Saves the state of all objects in the World according to the given state using the unique state id.


state_id – The unique id representing the state.

abstract save_physics_simulator_state() int

Saves the state of the physics simulator and returns the unique id of the state.


The unique id representing the state.

abstract remove_physics_simulator_state(state_id: int) None

Removes the state of the physics simulator with the given id.


state_id – The unique id representing the state.

abstract restore_physics_simulator_state(state_id: int) None
Restores the objects and environment state in the physics simulator according to

the given state using the unique state id.


state_id – The unique id representing the state.

get_images_for_target(target_pose: pycram.datastructures.pose.Pose, cam_pose: pycram.datastructures.pose.Pose, size: typing_extensions.Optional[int] = 256) typing_extensions.List[numpy.ndarray]

Calculates the view and projection Matrix and returns 3 images:

  1. An RGB image

  2. A depth image

  3. A segmentation Mask, the segmentation mask indicates for every pixel the visible Object

  • target_pose – The pose to which the camera should point.

  • cam_pose – The pose of the camera.

  • size – The height and width of the images in pixels.


A list containing an RGB and depth image as well as a segmentation mask, in this order.

register_two_objects_collision_callbacks(object_a: pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object, object_b: pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object, on_collision_callback: typing_extensions.Callable, on_collision_removal_callback: typing_extensions.Optional[typing_extensions.Callable] = None) None

Registers callback methods for contact between two Objects. There can be a callback for when the two Objects get in contact and, optionally, for when they are not in contact anymore.

  • object_a – An object in the World

  • object_b – Another object in the World

  • on_collision_callback – A function that should be called if the objects are in contact

  • on_collision_removal_callback – A function that should be called if the objects are not in contact

classmethod add_resource_path(path: str) None

Adds a resource path in which the World will search for files. This resource directory is searched if an Object is spawned only with a filename.


path – A path in the filesystem in which to search for files.

get_prospection_object_for_object(obj: pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object) pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object
Returns the corresponding object from the prospection world for a given object in the main world.

If the given Object is already in the prospection world, it is returned.


obj – The object for which the corresponding object in the prospection World should be found.


The corresponding object in the prospection world.

get_object_for_prospection_object(prospection_object: pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object) pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object

Returns the corresponding object from the main World for a given object in the prospection world. If the given object is not in the prospection world an error will be raised.


prospection_object – The object for which the corresponding object in the main World should be found.


The object in the main World.

reset_world(remove_saved_states=True) None

Resets the World to the state it was first spawned in. All attached objects will be detached, all joints will be set to the default position of 0 and all objects will be set to the position and orientation in which they were spawned.


remove_saved_states – If the saved states should be removed.

remove_saved_states() None

Removes all saved states of the World.

update_transforms_for_objects_in_current_world() None

Updates transformations for all objects that are currently in current_world.

abstract ray_test(from_position: typing_extensions.List[float], to_position: typing_extensions.List[float]) int

Cast a ray and return the first object hit, if any.

  • from_position – The starting position of the ray in Cartesian world coordinates.

  • to_position – The ending position of the ray in Cartesian world coordinates.


The object id of the first object hit, or -1 if no object was hit.

abstract ray_test_batch(from_positions: typing_extensions.List[typing_extensions.List[float]], to_positions: typing_extensions.List[typing_extensions.List[float]], num_threads: int = 1) typing_extensions.List[int]
Cast a batch of rays and return the result for each of the rays (first object hit, if any. or -1)
Takes optional argument num_threads to specify the number of threads to use
to compute the ray intersections for the batch. Specify 0 to let simulator decide, 1 (default) for single

core execution, 2 or more to select the number of threads to use.

  • from_positions – The starting positions of the rays in Cartesian world coordinates.

  • to_positions – The ending positions of the rays in Cartesian world coordinates.

  • num_threads – The number of threads to use to compute the ray intersections for the batch.

abstract create_visual_shape(visual_shape: pycram.datastructures.dataclasses.VisualShape) int

Creates a visual shape in the physics simulator and returns the unique id of the created shape.


visual_shape – The visual shape to be created, uses the VisualShape dataclass defined in world_dataclasses


The unique id of the created shape.

create_multi_body_from_visual_shapes(visual_shape_ids: typing_extensions.List[int], pose: pycram.datastructures.pose.Pose) int

Creates a multi body from visual shapes in the physics simulator and returns the unique id of the created multi body.

  • visual_shape_ids – The ids of the visual shapes that should be used to create the multi body.

  • pose – The pose of the origin of the multi body relative to the world frame.


The unique id of the created multi body.

abstract create_multi_body(multi_body: pycram.datastructures.dataclasses.MultiBody) int

Creates a multi body in the physics simulator and returns the unique id of the created multi body. The multibody is created by joining multiple links/shapes together with joints.


multi_body – The multi body to be created, uses the MultiBody dataclass defined in world_dataclasses.


The unique id of the created multi body.

abstract create_box_visual_shape(shape_data: pycram.datastructures.dataclasses.BoxVisualShape) int

Creates a box visual shape in the physics simulator and returns the unique id of the created shape.


shape_data – The parameters that define the box visual shape to be created, uses the BoxVisualShape dataclass defined in world_dataclasses.


The unique id of the created shape.

abstract create_cylinder_visual_shape(shape_data: pycram.datastructures.dataclasses.CylinderVisualShape) int

Creates a cylinder visual shape in the physics simulator and returns the unique id of the created shape.


shape_data – The parameters that define the cylinder visual shape to be created, uses the CylinderVisualShape dataclass defined in world_dataclasses.


The unique id of the created shape.

abstract create_sphere_visual_shape(shape_data: pycram.datastructures.dataclasses.SphereVisualShape) int

Creates a sphere visual shape in the physics simulator and returns the unique id of the created shape.


shape_data – The parameters that define the sphere visual shape to be created, uses the SphereVisualShape dataclass defined in world_dataclasses.


The unique id of the created shape.

abstract create_capsule_visual_shape(shape_data: pycram.datastructures.dataclasses.CapsuleVisualShape) int

Creates a capsule visual shape in the physics simulator and returns the unique id of the created shape.


shape_data – The parameters that define the capsule visual shape to be created, uses the CapsuleVisualShape dataclass defined in world_dataclasses.


The unique id of the created shape.

abstract create_plane_visual_shape(shape_data: pycram.datastructures.dataclasses.PlaneVisualShape) int

Creates a plane visual shape in the physics simulator and returns the unique id of the created shape.


shape_data – The parameters that define the plane visual shape to be created, uses the PlaneVisualShape dataclass defined in world_dataclasses.


The unique id of the created shape.

abstract create_mesh_visual_shape(shape_data: pycram.datastructures.dataclasses.MeshVisualShape) int

Creates a mesh visual shape in the physics simulator and returns the unique id of the created shape.


shape_data – The parameters that define the mesh visual shape to be created,

uses the MeshVisualShape dataclass defined in world_dataclasses. :return: The unique id of the created shape.

abstract add_text(text: str, position: typing_extensions.List[float], orientation: typing_extensions.Optional[typing_extensions.List[float]] = None, size: float = 0.1, color: typing_extensions.Optional[pycram.datastructures.dataclasses.Color] = Color(), life_time: typing_extensions.Optional[float] = 0, parent_object_id: typing_extensions.Optional[int] = None, parent_link_id: typing_extensions.Optional[int] = None) int

Adds text to the world.

  • text – The text to be added.

  • position – The position of the text in the world.

  • orientation – By default, debug text will always face the camera, automatically rotation. By specifying a text orientation (quaternion), the orientation will be fixed in world space or local space (when parent is specified).

  • size – The size of the text.

  • color – The color of the text.

  • life_time – The lifetime in seconds of the text to remain in the world, if 0 the text will remain in the world until it is removed manually.

  • parent_object_id – The id of the object to which the text should be attached.

  • parent_link_id – The id of the link to which the text should be attached.


The id of the added text.

abstract remove_text(text_id: typing_extensions.Optional[int] = None) None

Removes text from the world using the given id. if no id is given all text will be removed.


text_id – The id of the text to be removed.

abstract enable_joint_force_torque_sensor(obj: pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object, fts_joint_idx: int) None

You can enable a joint force/torque sensor in each joint. Once enabled, if you perform a simulation step, the get_joint_reaction_force_torque will report the joint reaction forces in the fixed degrees of freedom: a fixed joint will measure all 6DOF joint forces/torques. A revolute/hinge joint force/torque sensor will measure 5DOF reaction forces along all axis except the hinge axis. The applied force by a joint motor is available through get_applied_joint_motor_torque.

  • obj – The object in which the joint is located.

  • fts_joint_idx – The index of the joint for which the force torque sensor should be enabled.

abstract disable_joint_force_torque_sensor(obj: pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object, joint_id: int) None

Disables the force torque sensor of a joint.

  • obj – The object in which the joint is located.

  • joint_id – The id of the joint for which the force torque sensor should be disabled.

abstract get_joint_reaction_force_torque(obj: pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object, joint_id: int) typing_extensions.List[float]

Returns the joint reaction forces and torques of the specified joint.

  • obj – The object in which the joint is located.

  • joint_id – The id of the joint for which the force torque should be returned.


The joint reaction forces and torques of the specified joint.

abstract get_applied_joint_motor_torque(obj: pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object, joint_id: int) float

Returns the applied torque by a joint motor.

  • obj – The object in which the joint is located.

  • joint_id – The id of the joint for which the applied motor torque should be returned.


The applied torque by a joint motor.


An environment for using the prospection world, while in this environment the current_world variable will point to the prospection world.


with UseProspectionWorld():

NavigateAction.Action([[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]).perform()


The time in seconds to wait for the adding queue to be ready.


This method is called when entering the with block, it will set the current world to the prospection world


This method is called when exiting the with block, it will restore the previous world to be the current world.

class World, prospection_world: World)

Bases: threading.Thread

Synchronizes the state between the World and its prospection world. Meaning the cartesian and joint position of everything in the prospection world will be synchronized with the main World. Adding and removing objects is done via queues, such that loading times of objects in the prospection world does not affect the World. The class provides the possibility to pause the synchronization, this can be used if reasoning should be done in the prospection world.

This constructor should always be called with keyword arguments. Arguments are:

group should be None; reserved for future extension when a ThreadGroup class is implemented.

target is the callable object to be invoked by the run() method. Defaults to None, meaning nothing is called.

name is the thread name. By default, a unique name is constructed of the form “Thread-N” where N is a small decimal number.

args is the argument tuple for the target invocation. Defaults to ().

kwargs is a dictionary of keyword arguments for the target invocation. Defaults to {}.

If a subclass overrides the constructor, it must make sure to invoke the base class constructor (Thread.__init__()) before doing anything else to the thread.

run(wait_time_as_n_simulation_steps: typing_extensions.Optional[int] = 1)

Main method of the synchronization, this thread runs in a loop until the terminate flag is set. While this loop runs it continuously checks the cartesian and joint position of every object in the World and updates the corresponding object in the prospection world. When there are entries in the adding or removing queue the corresponding objects will be added or removed in the same iteration.


wait_time_as_n_simulation_steps – The time in simulation steps to wait between each iteration of the syncing loop.

check_for_pause() None

Checks if pause_sync is true and sleeps this thread until it isn’t anymore.

check_for_equal() bool

Checks if both Worlds have the same state, meaning all objects are in the same position. This is currently not used, but might be used in the future if synchronization issues worsen.


True if both Worlds have the same state, False otherwise.