ORM querying examples

In this tutorial, we will get to see more examples of ORM querying.

First, we will gather a lot of data. In order to achieve that we will write a randomized experiment for grasping a couple of objects. In the experiment the robot will try to grasp a randomized object using random poses and torso heights.

from pycram.designators.actions.actions import MoveTorsoActionPerformable, ParkArmsActionPerformable
from tf import transformations
import itertools
import time
from typing import Optional, List, Tuple

import numpy as np

import sqlalchemy.orm
import tf
import tqdm

import pycram.orm.base
import pycram.task
from pycram.bullet_world import BulletWorld, Object as BulletWorldObject
from pycram.designators.action_designator import MoveTorsoAction, PickUpAction, NavigateAction, ParkArmsAction
from pycram.designators.object_designator import ObjectDesignatorDescription
import pycram.enums
from pycram.plan_failures import PlanFailure
from pycram.process_module import ProcessModule

from pycram.process_module import simulated_robot
import sqlalchemy.orm
# from pycram.resolver.location.jpt_location import JPTCostmapLocation
import pycram.orm
from pycram.orm.base import Position, RobotState
from pycram.orm.task import TaskTreeNode, Code
from pycram.orm.action_designator import PickUpAction as ORMPickUpAction
from pycram.orm.object_designator import Object
import sqlalchemy.sql
import pandas as pd

from pycram.pose import Pose


ProcessModule.execution_delay = False
pycram.orm.base.ProcessMetaData().description = "Tutorial for learning from experience in a Grasping action."

class GraspingExplorer:
    """Class to try randomized grasping plans."""

    world: Optional[BulletWorld]

    def __init__(self, robots: Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]] = None, objects: Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]] = None,
                 arms: Optional[List[str]] = None, grasps: Optional[List[str]] = None,
                 samples_per_scenario: int = 1000):
        Create a GraspingExplorer.
        :param robots: The robots to use
        :param objects: The objects to try to grasp
        :param arms: The arms of the robot to use
        :param grasps: The grasp orientations to use
        :param samples_per_scenario: The number of tries per scenario.
        # store exploration space
        if not robots:
            self.robots: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [("pr2", "pr2.urdf")]

        if not objects:
            self.objects: List[Tuple[str, pycram.enums.ObjectType, str]] = [("cereal", pycram.enums.ObjectType.BREAKFAST_CEREAL, "breakfast_cereal.stl"),
                                                                            ("bowl", pycram.enums.ObjectType.BOWL, "bowl.stl"),
                                                                            ("milk", pycram.enums.ObjectType.MILK, "milk.stl"),
                                                                            ("spoon", pycram.enums.ObjectType.SPOON, "spoon.stl")]

        if not arms:
            self.arms: List[str] = ["left", "right"]

        if not grasps:
            self.grasps: List[str] = ["left", "right", "front", "top"]

        # store trials per scenario
        self.samples_per_scenario: int = samples_per_scenario

        # chain hyperparameters
        self.hyper_parameters = [self.robots, self.objects, self.arms, self.grasps]

        self.total_tries = 0
        self.total_failures = 0

    def perform(self, session: sqlalchemy.orm.Session):
        Perform all experiments.
        :param session: The database-session to insert the samples in.

        # create progress bar
        progress_bar = tqdm.tqdm(
            total=np.prod([len(p) for p in self.hyper_parameters]) * self.samples_per_scenario)

        self.world = BulletWorld("DIRECT")

        # for every robot
        for robot, robot_urdf in self.robots:

            # spawn it
            robot = BulletWorldObject(robot, pycram.enums.ObjectType.ROBOT, robot_urdf)

            # for every obj
            for obj, obj_type, obj_stl in self.objects:

                # spawn it
                bw_object = BulletWorldObject(obj, obj_type, obj_stl, Pose([0, 0, 0.75], [0, 0, 0, 1]))

                # create object designator
                object_designator = ObjectDesignatorDescription(names=[obj])

                # for every arm and grasp pose
                for arm, grasp in itertools.product(self.arms, self.grasps):
                    # sample positions in 2D
                    positions = np.random.uniform([-2, -2], [2, 2], (self.samples_per_scenario, 2))

                    # for every position
                    for position in positions:

                        # set z axis to 0
                        position = [*position, 0]

                        # calculate orientation for robot to face the object
                        angle = np.arctan2(position[1], position[0]) + np.pi
                        orientation = list(transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, angle, axes="sxyz"))

                        # try to execute a grasping plan
                        with simulated_robot:

                            # navigate to sampled position
                            NavigateAction([Pose(position, orientation)]).resolve().perform()

                            # move torso
                            height = np.random.uniform(0., 0.33, 1)[0]

                            # try to pick it up
                                PickUpAction(object_designator, [arm], [grasp]).resolve().perform()

                            # if it fails
                            except PlanFailure:

                                # update failure stats
                                self.total_failures += 1

                            # reset BulletWorld

                            # update progress bar
                            self.total_tries += 1

                            # insert into database
                            pycram.task.task_tree.insert(session, use_progress_bar=False)

                            progress_bar.set_postfix(success_rate=(self.total_tries - self.total_failures) /


pybullet build time: May 20 2022 19:44:17
Unknown attribute "type" in /robot[@name='pr2']/link[@name='base_laser_link']
Unknown attribute "type" in /robot[@name='pr2']/link[@name='wide_stereo_optical_frame']
Unknown attribute "type" in /robot[@name='pr2']/link[@name='narrow_stereo_optical_frame']
Unknown attribute "type" in /robot[@name='pr2']/link[@name='laser_tilt_link']
[WARN] [1706547279.009069]: Failed to import Giskard messages
[WARN] [1706547279.013875]: Could not import RoboKudo messages, RoboKudo interface could not be initialized

Next we have to establish a connection to a database and execute the experiment a couple of times. Note that the (few) number of samples we generate is only for demonstrations. For robust and reliable machine learning millions of samples are required.

engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine("sqlite+pysqlite:///:memory:")
session = sqlalchemy.orm.Session(bind=engine)

explorer = GraspingExplorer(samples_per_scenario=30)
  0%|          | 0/960 [00:00<?, ?it/s]Unknown tag "material" in /robot[@name='plane']/link[@name='planeLink']/collision[1]
Unknown tag "contact" in /robot[@name='plane']/link[@name='planeLink']
Unknown attribute "type" in /robot[@name='pr2']/link[@name='base_laser_link']
Unknown attribute "type" in /robot[@name='pr2']/link[@name='wide_stereo_optical_frame']
Unknown attribute "type" in /robot[@name='pr2']/link[@name='narrow_stereo_optical_frame']
Unknown attribute "type" in /robot[@name='pr2']/link[@name='laser_tilt_link']
Unknown tag "material" in /robot[@name='plane']/link[@name='planeLink']/collision[1]
Unknown tag "contact" in /robot[@name='plane']/link[@name='planeLink']
Unknown attribute "type" in /robot[@name='pr2']/link[@name='base_laser_link']
Unknown attribute "type" in /robot[@name='pr2']/link[@name='wide_stereo_optical_frame']
Unknown attribute "type" in /robot[@name='pr2']/link[@name='narrow_stereo_optical_frame']
Unknown attribute "type" in /robot[@name='pr2']/link[@name='laser_tilt_link']
  7%|▋         | 69/960 [00:10<01:47,  8.33it/s, success_rate=0.058] Warning: TF_REPEATED_DATA ignoring data with redundant timestamp for frame floor_0 (parent map) at time 1706547289.526924 according to authority default_authority
         at line 278 in /tmp/binarydeb/ros-noetic-tf2-0.7.7/src/buffer_core.cpp
 28%|██▊       | 269/960 [00:38<01:37,  7.08it/s, success_rate=0.0929]Warning: TF_REPEATED_DATA ignoring data with redundant timestamp for frame pr2_1/narrow_stereo_l_stereo_camera_frame (parent map) at time 1706547317.808086 according to authority default_authority
         at line 278 in /tmp/binarydeb/ros-noetic-tf2-0.7.7/src/buffer_core.cpp
 33%|███▎      | 314/960 [00:44<01:35,  6.79it/s, success_rate=0.0955]Warning: TF_REPEATED_DATA ignoring data with redundant timestamp for frame floor_0 (parent map) at time 1706547323.909252 according to authority default_authority
         at line 278 in /tmp/binarydeb/ros-noetic-tf2-0.7.7/src/buffer_core.cpp
 52%|█████▏    | 502/960 [01:10<01:07,  6.76it/s, success_rate=0.0837]Warning: TF_REPEATED_DATA ignoring data with redundant timestamp for frame pr2_1/narrow_stereo_l_stereo_camera_frame (parent map) at time 1706547349.562933 according to authority default_authority
         at line 278 in /tmp/binarydeb/ros-noetic-tf2-0.7.7/src/buffer_core.cpp
 57%|█████▋    | 543/960 [01:16<01:02,  6.65it/s, success_rate=0.081] Warning: TF_REPEATED_DATA ignoring data with redundant timestamp for frame pr2_1/narrow_stereo_l_stereo_camera_optical_frame (parent map) at time 1706547355.536726 according to authority default_authority
         at line 278 in /tmp/binarydeb/ros-noetic-tf2-0.7.7/src/buffer_core.cpp
 78%|███████▊  | 749/960 [01:44<00:28,  7.28it/s, success_rate=0.0814]Warning: TF_REPEATED_DATA ignoring data with redundant timestamp for frame pr2_1/torso_lift_motor_screw_link (parent map) at time 1706547384.042323 according to authority default_authority
         at line 278 in /tmp/binarydeb/ros-noetic-tf2-0.7.7/src/buffer_core.cpp
 81%|████████▏ | 782/960 [01:48<00:22,  7.94it/s, success_rate=0.0831]Warning: TF_REPEATED_DATA ignoring data with redundant timestamp for frame pr2_1/l_torso_lift_side_plate_link (parent map) at time 1706547388.456061 according to authority default_authority
         at line 278 in /tmp/binarydeb/ros-noetic-tf2-0.7.7/src/buffer_core.cpp
 86%|████████▌ | 826/960 [01:55<00:18,  7.12it/s, success_rate=0.0835]Warning: TF_REPEATED_DATA ignoring data with redundant timestamp for frame pr2_1/r_shoulder_lift_link (parent map) at time 1706547394.924536 according to authority default_authority
         at line 278 in /tmp/binarydeb/ros-noetic-tf2-0.7.7/src/buffer_core.cpp
100%|██████████| 960/960 [02:13<00:00,  7.74it/s, success_rate=0.0854]

The success_rate of the output above indicates how many of our samples succeeded in trying to grasp a randomized object.

Now that we have data to query from and a running session, we can actually start creating queries. Let’s say we want to select positions of robots that were able to grasp a specific object (in this case a “milk” object):

from sqlalchemy import select
from pycram.enums import ObjectType

milk = BulletWorldObject("Milk", ObjectType.MILK, "milk.stl")

# query all relative robot positions in regard to an objects position
# make sure to order the joins() correctly
query = (select(ORMPickUpAction.arm, ORMPickUpAction.grasp, RobotState.torso_height, Position.x, Position.y)
         .join(ORMPickUpAction.object).where(Object.type == milk.type)
                                      .where(TaskTreeNode.status == "SUCCEEDED"))

df = pd.read_sql_query(query, session.get_bind())
SELECT "PickUpAction".arm, "PickUpAction".grasp, "RobotState".torso_height, "Position".x, "Position".y
FROM "TaskTreeNode" JOIN "Code" ON "Code".id = "TaskTreeNode".code_id JOIN ("Designator" JOIN "Action" ON "Designator".id = "Action".id JOIN "PickUpAction" ON "Action".id = "PickUpAction".id) ON "Designator".id = "Code".designator_id JOIN "RobotState" ON "RobotState".id = "Action".robot_state_id JOIN "Pose" ON "Pose".id = "RobotState".pose_id JOIN "Position" ON "Position".id = "Pose".position_id JOIN "Object" ON "Object".id = "PickUpAction".object_id
WHERE "Object".type = :type_1 AND "TaskTreeNode".status = :status_1
      arm  grasp  torso_height         x         y
0    left   left      0.198541 -0.679778  0.049746
1    left   left      0.092868  0.473199  0.612112
2    left   left      0.310885  0.202801  0.524949
3    left  right      0.272878  0.012431 -0.405403
4    left  right      0.275279 -0.438336 -0.327630
5    left  front      0.192652 -0.252096 -0.630014
6    left  front      0.308247 -0.302412  0.594757
7    left  front      0.042853 -0.819815 -0.352528
8    left    top      0.048944  0.277142  0.467083
9    left    top      0.279301 -0.186137 -0.646486
10  right   left      0.185506  0.348462  0.626915
11  right   left      0.147901  0.619579  0.430394
12  right   left      0.079778  0.289603 -0.414900
13  right   left      0.187063  0.350363 -0.378484
14  right   left      0.170081 -0.054975  0.764847
15  right  right      0.098215  0.126765 -0.791066
16  right  front      0.269773  0.237709  0.387341
17  right  front      0.018371  0.217048  0.558395
18  right    top      0.281445 -0.459514  0.528471
19  right    top      0.051581 -0.164640 -0.629421

If you are not familiar with sqlalchemy querying you might wonder what the of_type() function does and why we needed it in this query:

In order to understand the importance of the of_type() function in the joins above it is crucial to understand the inheritance structure in the ORM package. The action necessary for this query is the PickUpAction. It inherits the Action class/table (which holds all the actions). The Action class itself on the other hand inherits Designator (which holds all the actions, but also all the motions). We started our joins by joining TaskTreeNode on its relationship to Code and Code on its relationship to Designator. Next table we need is the PickUpAction table, but there is no specified relationship between Designator and PickUpAction. But we do know that a PickUpAction is actually a Designator, meaning, it inherits from Designator. So we can just “tell” the join to join Code on every Designator, that is “of_type” PickUpAction (.join(Code.designator.of_type(ORMPickUpAction))). The effect of this function can also be seen in the printed query of above’s output.

Another interesting query: Let’s say we want to select the torso height and positions of robots relative to the object they were trying to grasp:

from pycram.orm.base import Pose as ORMPose

robot_pose = sqlalchemy.orm.aliased(ORMPose)
object_pose = sqlalchemy.orm.aliased(ORMPose)
robot_position = sqlalchemy.orm.aliased(Position)
object_position = sqlalchemy.orm.aliased(Position)

query = (select(TaskTreeNode.status, Object.type,
                       sqlalchemy.label("relative torso height", object_position.z - RobotState.torso_height),
                       sqlalchemy.label("x", robot_position.x - object_position.x),
                       sqlalchemy.label("y", robot_position.y - object_position.y))
         .join(robot_pose, RobotState.pose)
         .join(robot_position, robot_pose.position)
         .join(object_pose, Object.pose)
         .join(object_position, object_pose.position))

df = pd.read_sql(query, session.get_bind())
df["status"] = df["status"].apply(lambda x: str(x.name))
SELECT "TaskTreeNode".status, "Object".type, "Position_1".z - "RobotState".torso_height AS "relative torso height", "Position_2".x - "Position_1".x AS x, "Position_2".y - "Position_1".y AS y
FROM "TaskTreeNode" JOIN "Code" ON "Code".id = "TaskTreeNode".code_id JOIN ("Designator" JOIN "Action" ON "Designator".id = "Action".id JOIN "PickUpAction" ON "Action".id = "PickUpAction".id) ON "Designator".id = "Code".designator_id JOIN "RobotState" ON "RobotState".id = "Action".robot_state_id JOIN "Pose" AS "Pose_1" ON "Pose_1".id = "RobotState".pose_id JOIN "Position" AS "Position_2" ON "Position_2".id = "Pose_1".position_id JOIN "Object" ON "Object".id = "PickUpAction".object_id JOIN "Pose" AS "Pose_2" ON "Pose_2".id = "Object".pose_id JOIN "Position" AS "Position_1" ON "Position_1".id = "Pose_2".position_id
        status                         type  relative torso height         x  \
0       FAILED  ObjectType.BREAKFAST_CEREAL               0.480005 -0.737416
1       FAILED  ObjectType.BREAKFAST_CEREAL               0.668903 -0.932071
2       FAILED  ObjectType.BREAKFAST_CEREAL               0.724878  1.472666
3       FAILED  ObjectType.BREAKFAST_CEREAL               0.553403 -0.589925
4    SUCCEEDED  ObjectType.BREAKFAST_CEREAL               0.690212  0.505402
..         ...                          ...                    ...       ...
955     FAILED             ObjectType.SPOON               0.546126 -1.220945
956     FAILED             ObjectType.SPOON               0.664514  1.547123
957     FAILED             ObjectType.SPOON               0.554894  1.256923
958     FAILED             ObjectType.SPOON               0.493282  0.887036
959     FAILED             ObjectType.SPOON               0.581754 -1.087740

0   -0.187877
1   -1.564287
2    0.518914
3   -1.729850
4    0.394643
..        ...
955  0.039673
956  1.356915
957 -0.207460
958 -0.605063
959  1.048258

[960 rows x 5 columns]

Obviously the query returned every row of the database since we didn’t apply any filters.

Why is this query interesting? This query not only required more joins and the usage of the of_type() function, but we actually needed to access two of the tables twice with different purposes, namely the Pose and Position tables. We wanted to get the position of the robot relative to the object position, meaning we had to obtain all robot positions and all object positions. If we want to access the same table twice, we have to make sure to rename (one of) the occurrences in our query in order to provide proper sql syntax. This can be done by creating aliases using the sqlalchemy.orm.aliased() function. Sqlalchemy will automatically rename all the aliased tables for you during runtime.