
Module Contents



A rectangle that is described by a lower and upper x and y value.


The base class of all Costmaps which implements the visualization of costmaps


The occupancy Costmap represents a map of the environment where obstacles or


A costmap that represents the visibility of a specific point for every position around


Gaussian Costmaps are 2D gaussian distributions around the origin with the given mean and sigma


Semantic Costmaps represent a 2D distribution over a link of an Object. An example of this would be a Costmap for a


plot_grid(→ None)

An auxiliary method only used for debugging, it will plot a 2D numpy array using MatplotLib.



class pycram.costmaps.Rectangle

A rectangle that is described by a lower and upper x and y value.

x_lower: float
x_upper: float
y_lower: float
y_upper: float
translate(x: float, y: float)

Translate the rectangle by x and y

scale(x_factor: float, y_factor: float)

Scale the rectangle by x_factor and y_factor

class pycram.costmaps.Costmap(resolution: float, height: int, width: int, origin: pycram.datastructures.pose.Pose, map: numpy.ndarray, world: typing_extensions.Optional[] = None)

The base class of all Costmaps which implements the visualization of costmaps in the World.

The constructor of the base class of all Costmaps.

  • resolution – The distance in metre in the real-world which is represented by a single entry in the costmap.

  • height – The height of the costmap.

  • width – The width of the costmap.

  • origin – The origin of the costmap, in world coordinate frame. The origin of the costmap is located in the centre of the costmap.

  • map – The costmap represents as a 2D numpy array.

  • world – The World for which the costmap should be created.

visualize() None

Visualizes a costmap in the World, the visualisation works by subdividing the costmap in rectangles which are then visualized as world visual shapes.

_chunks(lst: typing_extensions.List, n: int) typing_extensions.List

Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst.

  • lst – The list from which chunks should be yielded

  • n – Size of the chunks


A list of size n from lst

close_visualization() None

Removes the visualization from the World.

_find_consectuive_line(start: typing_extensions.Tuple[int, int], map: numpy.ndarray) int

Finds the number of consecutive entries in the costmap which are greater than zero.

  • start – The indices in the costmap from which the consecutive line should be found.

  • map – The costmap in which the line should be found.


The length of the consecutive line of entries greater than zero.

_find_max_box_height(start: typing_extensions.Tuple[int, int], length: int, map: numpy.ndarray) int

Finds the maximal height for a rectangle with a given width in a costmap. The method traverses one row at a time and checks if all entries for the given width are greater than zero. If an entry is less or equal than zero the height is returned.

  • start – The indices in the costmap from which the method should start.

  • length – The given width for the rectangle

  • map – The costmap in which should be searched.


The height of the rectangle.

merge(other_cm: Costmap) Costmap

Merges the values of two costmaps and returns a new costmap that has for every cell the merged values of both inputs. To merge two costmaps they need to fulfill 3 constrains:

  1. They need to have the same size

  2. They need to have the same x and y coordinates in the origin

  3. They need to have the same resolution

If any of these constrains is not fulfilled a ValueError will be raised.


other_cm – The other costmap with which this costmap should be merged.


A new costmap that contains the merged values

__add__(other: Costmap) Costmap

Overloading of the “+” operator for merging of Costmaps. Furthermore, checks if ‘other’ is actual a Costmap and raises a ValueError if this is not the case. Please check merge() for further information of merging.


other – Another Costmap


A new Costmap that contains the merged values from this Costmap and the other Costmap

partitioning_rectangles() typing_extensions.List[Rectangle]

Partition the map attached to this costmap into rectangles. The rectangles are axis aligned, exhaustive and disjoint sets.


A list containing the partitioning rectangles

class pycram.costmaps.OccupancyCostmap(distance_to_obstacle: float, from_ros: typing_extensions.Optional[bool] = False, size: typing_extensions.Optional[int] = 100, resolution: typing_extensions.Optional[float] = 0.02, origin: typing_extensions.Optional[pycram.datastructures.pose.Pose] = None, world: typing_extensions.Optional[] = None)

Bases: Costmap

The occupancy Costmap represents a map of the environment where obstacles or positions which are inaccessible for a robot have a value of -1.

Constructor for the Occupancy costmap, the actual costmap is received from the ROS map_server and wrapped by this class. Meta-data about the costmap is also received from the map_server.

  • distance_to_obstacle – The distance by which the obstacles should be inflated. Meaning that obstacles in the costmap are growing bigger by this distance.

  • from_ros – This determines if the Occupancy map should be created from the map provided by the ROS map_server or from the World. If True then the map from the ROS map_server will be used otherwise the Occupancy map will be created from the World.

  • size – The length of the side of the costmap. The costmap will be created as a square. This will only be used if from_ros is False.

  • resolution – The resolution of this costmap. This determines how much meter one pixel in the costmap represents. This is only used if from_ros is False.

  • origin – This determines the origin of the costmap. The origin will be in the middle of the costmap. This parameter is only used if from_ros is False.

_calculate_diff_origin(height: int, width: int) pycram.datastructures.pose.Pose

Calculates the difference between the origin of the costmap as stated by the meta-data and the actual middle of the costmap which is used by PyCRAM to visualize the costmap. The origin as stated by the meta-data refers to the position of the global coordinate frame with the bottom left corner as reference.

  • height – The height of the costmap

  • width – The width of the costmap


The difference between the actual origin and center of the costmap

static _get_map() numpy.ndarray

Receives the map array from the map_server converts it and into a numpy array.


The costmap as a numpy array.

static _get_map_metadata() nav_msgs.msg.MapMetaData

Receives the meta-data about the costmap from the map_server and returns it. The meta-data contains things like, height, width, origin and resolution.


The meta-data for the costmap array.

_convert_map(map: numpy.ndarray) numpy.ndarray

Converts the Occupancy Map received from ROS to be more consistent with how PyCRAM handles its costmap. Every possible cell for a robot to stand is set to one while anything else is set to zero. Additionally, this method also takes into account the distance_to_obstacle parameter and sets cell values that are too close to an obstacle to 0.


map – The map that should be converted. Represented as 2d numpy array


The converted map. Represented as 2d numpy array.

create_sub_map(sub_origin: pycram.datastructures.pose.Pose, size: int) Costmap

Creates a smaller map from the overall occupancy map, the new map is centered around the point specified by “sub_origin” and has the size “size”. The resolution of the costmap stays the same for the sub costmap.

  • sub_origin – The point in global coordinate frame, around which the sub costmap should be centered.

  • size – The size the sub costmap should have.


The sub costmap, represented as 2d numpy array.

_create_from_world(size: int, resolution: float) numpy.ndarray

Creates an Occupancy Costmap for the specified World. This map marks every position as valid that has no object above it. After creating the costmap the distance to obstacle parameter is applied.

  • size – The size of this costmap. The size specifies the length of one side of the costmap. The costmap is created as a square.

  • resolution – The resolution of this costmap. This determines how much meter a pixel in the costmap represents.

_chunks(lst: typing_extensions.List, n: int) typing_extensions.List

Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst.

  • lst – The list from which chunks should be yielded

  • n – Size of the chunks


A list of size n from lst

class pycram.costmaps.VisibilityCostmap(min_height: float, max_height: float, size: typing_extensions.Optional[int] = 100, resolution: typing_extensions.Optional[float] = 0.02, origin: typing_extensions.Optional[pycram.datastructures.pose.Pose] = None, world: typing_extensions.Optional[] = None)

Bases: Costmap

A costmap that represents the visibility of a specific point for every position around this point. For a detailed explanation on how the creation of the costmap works please look here: PhD Thesis (page 173)

Visibility Costmaps show for every position around the origin pose if the origin can be seen from this pose. The costmap is able to deal with height differences of the camera while in a single position, for example, if the robot has a movable torso.

  • min_height – This is the minimal height the camera can be. This parameter is mostly relevant if the vertical position of the camera can change.

  • max_height – This is the maximal height the camera can be. This is mostly relevant if teh vertical position of the camera can change.

  • size – The length of the side of the costmap, the costmap is created as a square.

  • resolution – This parameter specifies how much meter a pixel in the costmap represents.

  • origin – The pose in world coordinate frame around which the costmap should be created.

  • world – The World for which the costmap should be created.

_create_images() typing_extensions.List[numpy.ndarray]

Creates four depth images in every direction around the point for which the costmap should be created. The depth images are converted to metre, meaning that every entry in the depth images represents the distance to the next object in metre.


A list of four depth images, the images are represented as 2D arrays.

_depth_buffer_to_meter(buffer: numpy.ndarray) numpy.ndarray

Converts the depth images generated by the World to represent each position in metre.


The depth image in metre


This method generates the resulting density map by using the algorithm explained in Lorenz Mösenlechners PhD Thesis (page 178) The resulting map is then saved to

class pycram.costmaps.GaussianCostmap(mean: int, sigma: float, resolution: typing_extensions.Optional[float] = 0.02, origin: typing_extensions.Optional[pycram.datastructures.pose.Pose] = None)

Bases: Costmap

Gaussian Costmaps are 2D gaussian distributions around the origin with the given mean and sigma

This Costmap creates a 2D gaussian distribution around the origin with the specified size.

  • mean – The mean input for the gaussian distribution, this also specifies the length of the side of the resulting costmap. The costmap is Created as a square.

  • sigma – The sigma input for the gaussian distribution.

  • resolution – The resolution of the costmap, this specifies how much meter a pixel represents.

  • origin – The origin of the costmap around which it will be created.

_gaussian_window(mean: int, std: float) numpy.ndarray

This method creates a window of values with a gaussian distribution of size “mean” and standart deviation “std”. Code from Scipy

class pycram.costmaps.SemanticCostmap(object, urdf_link_name, size=100, resolution=0.02, world=None)

Bases: Costmap

Semantic Costmaps represent a 2D distribution over a link of an Object. An example of this would be a Costmap for a table surface.

Creates a semantic costmap for the given parameter. The semantic costmap will be on top of the link of the given Object.

  • object – The object of which the link is a part

  • urdf_link_name – The link name, as stated in the URDF

  • resolution – Resolution of the final costmap

  • world – The World from which the costmap should be created

generate_map() None

Generates the semantic costmap according to the provided parameters. To do this the axis aligned bounding box (AABB) for the link name will be used. Height and width of the final Costmap will be the x and y sizes of the AABB.

Returns the axis aligned bounding box (AABB) of the link provided when creating this costmap. To try and let the AABB as close to the actual object as possible, the Object will be rotated such that the link will be in the identity orientation.


Two points in world coordinate space, which span a rectangle

pycram.costmaps.plot_grid(data: numpy.ndarray) None

An auxiliary method only used for debugging, it will plot a 2D numpy array using MatplotLib.