
Implementation of helper functions and classes for internal usage only.

Functions: _block – wrap multiple statements into a single block.

Classes: GeneratorList – implementation of generator list wrappers.

Module Contents



Color codes which can be used to highlight Text in the Terminal. For example,


Implementation of generator list wrappers.


_apply_ik(→ None)

Apllies a list of joint poses calculated by an inverse kinematics solver to a robot


transform(pose, transformation[, local_coords])

axis_angle_to_quaternion(→ typing_extensions.Tuple)

Convert axis-angle to quaternion.

multiply_quaternions(→ typing_extensions.List)

Multiply two quaternions using the robotics convention (x, y, z, w).

quaternion_rotate(→ typing_extensions.List)

Rotate a vector v using quaternion q.

multiply_poses(→ typing_extensions.Tuple)

Multiply two poses.

class pycram.helper.bcolors

Color codes which can be used to highlight Text in the Terminal. For example, for warnings. Usage: Firstly import the class into the file. print(f’{bcolors.WARNING} Some Text {bcolors.ENDC}’)

HEADER = '\x1b[95m'
OKBLUE = '\x1b[94m'
OKCYAN = '\x1b[96m'
OKGREEN = '\x1b[92m'
WARNING = '\x1b[93m'
FAIL = '\x1b[91m'
ENDC = '\x1b[0m'
BOLD = '\x1b[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\x1b[4m'
pycram.helper._apply_ik(robot: pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object, joint_poses: typing_extensions.List[float], joints: typing_extensions.List[str]) None

Apllies a list of joint poses calculated by an inverse kinematics solver to a robot

  • robot – The robot the joint poses should be applied on

  • joint_poses – The joint poses to be applied

  • gripper – specifies the gripper for which the ik solution should be applied



pycram.helper.calculate_wrist_tool_offset(wrist_frame: str, tool_frame: str, robot: pycram.world_concepts.world_object.Object) pycram.datastructures.pose.Transform
pycram.helper.transform(pose: typing_extensions.List[float], transformation: typing_extensions.List[float], local_coords=False)
class pycram.helper.GeneratorList(generator: typing_extensions.Callable)

Implementation of generator list wrappers.

Generator lists store the elements of a generator, so these can be fetched multiple times.

Methods: get – get the element at a specific index. has – check if an element at a specific index exists.

Create a new generator list.

Arguments: generator – the generator to use.

get(index: int = 0)

Get the element at a specific index or raise StopIteration if it doesn’t exist.

Arguments: index – the index to get the element of.

has(index: int) bool

Check if an element at a specific index exists and return True or False.

Arguments: index – the index to check for.

pycram.helper.axis_angle_to_quaternion(axis: typing_extensions.List, angle: float) typing_extensions.Tuple

Convert axis-angle to quaternion.

  • axis – (x, y, z) tuple representing rotation axis.

  • angle – rotation angle in degree


The quaternion representing the axis angle

pycram.helper.multiply_quaternions(q1: typing_extensions.List, q2: typing_extensions.List) typing_extensions.List

Multiply two quaternions using the robotics convention (x, y, z, w).

  • q1 – The first quaternion

  • q2 – The second quaternion


The quaternion resulting from the multiplication

pycram.helper.quaternion_rotate(q: typing_extensions.List, v: typing_extensions.List) typing_extensions.List

Rotate a vector v using quaternion q.

  • q – A quaternion of how v should be rotated

  • v – A vector that should be rotated by q


V rotated by Q as a quaternion

pycram.helper.multiply_poses(pose1: pycram.datastructures.pose.Pose, pose2: pycram.datastructures.pose.Pose) typing_extensions.Tuple

Multiply two poses.

  • pose1 – first Pose that should be multiplied

  • pose2 – Second Pose that should be multiplied


A Tuple of position and quaternion as result of the multiplication